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Installation of FAB President Sagar Aswani and his Board of Directors of the Rotary Club of Thane
Riverside, a newly founded club.

The club was founded on December 22,2022. The installation took place on March 4,2023. The newly established club was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Thane Green City.

The RC of Thane Green City served as the New Club’s spinal cord.

Rtn. Manoj Vaidya, Charter President of the Rotary Club of Badalapur, is also the New ClubAdvisor and GGR. President Rtn. Sagar Aswani and Secretary Rtn.Vaishali Sharma, together with NCA Rin Manoj Vaidya, have worked hard to establish the club and successfully installit.

The RC of Thane Green City provided us with guidance and inspiration. The installation event was attended by District Governor Rtn. Kailash Jethani, as well as other district dignitaries. Rtn.Prasad Tendulkar was instrumental in the formation of the club. Rtn Santosh Shinde, President of RC Thane Green City, left no stone unturned in providing full support and valuable guidance to our newly founded club. Our Senior Rotarians who blessed the ceremony along with the BOD were AG Rtn. Radhika, DS. Rtn. Bharat Sachdev, Dist Secretary Rtn. Vijay Shetty, Dist Treasurer Rtn. Vijay Kevalramani, District TRF Director Rtn. Pushan Vaidya.

It was also attended by FAB Presidents Rtn. N Kalyan, Rtn. Sandeep Dhotre, Rtn. Ashok Sharma, and
Rtn. Shankar Bhagat, in addition to their families, friends, and all members of the newly founded club.

– Regards, Club President Rtn Adv Sagar Aswani

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